Another great piece.
Re: Pua Nani’s point in her comment about anti-intimacy, the elimination of intimacy from porn is bad news from a wider ethical/social perspective, but also, and I find I am in the minority here with my male friends (or, perhaps, they’re just fronting), but it’s also totally unerotic too. I’ve found the porn that interests me more is porn with at least a suggestion of personhood; of something actually ~happening~ between two people.
Porn-facilitated sexual monoculture is often said to have liberated us from dusty puritan sexual hang-ups but I think the opposite is true: it has helped alienated us from ourselves and from eachother. It makes men more afraid of sex, not less, because sex in the real world involves some level of risk, danger, exposure of self, and life in porno wank world provides no experience in these things.